Fun, but too difficult.
I rather enjoyed this game, however much I had my ass handed to me by 2D shapes on a computer screen.
A few suggestions:
-Slow everything down a little bit.
-Increase range of vision.
-Have the option to constantly have your ship at the center of the screen. The moving camera that follows my aimer really threw me off.
-Instead of extreme slowdown, maybe have the ability to slow down time less. For example, instead of everything nearly stopping completely, use the number row above the letters each have a different slowdown speed. The slower time goes, the less the ENERGY regenerates.
-Shorten respawn time, and/or at least show whats going on during respawn.
-Give enemies the ability to attack sentries instead of them just fading after a set amount of time.
-Make the radar larger, and allow people to bring up a fullscreen map, while still being able to pilot the ship and shoot.
-Make the play area much larger, but limit how far the player can go. This allows the player to prepare BEFORE the enemies arrive. Once they enter the range, firing is allowed. Possible excuses for this could be signal range for controlling the Reaver remotely.
If I think of any other ideas, I'll fit them into a PM.